Black magic and its effects have always been in discussion in our society. Black magic is a category of ancient science which is being used by the majority of Tantriks. In black magic practices, multiple pujas are performed. But the activities of the pujas are still not known very clearly. It is believed that evil spirits are invited during this practice to complete certain purposes by making them subdued.
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Different things a person including hair, nails, clothes and accessories are used during this practice by most black magic specialists in Kolkata. Whenever black magic is performed on people, certain changes are noticed in their behaviour. The effects of black magic can cause damage both to the inner and outer self of a person and it can be frightening. So let's discuss the effects of black magic on a person which can increase your knowledge on this matter.
- The very first sign that a person may notice after getting trapped by black magic is the sudden blackening of the nails. The nails of the victim can get black and grow abnormally under the influence of black magic.
- The impacts of black magic can be noticed in the victim’s home also. If people get trapped by black magic, the trees of their homes start to dry up, especially the Tulsi plant.
- The next sign which indicates black magic is silence. A person who is a victim of black magic remains mostly silent all the time. It would be very difficult to control that person as he or she doesn't care for life.
- The next sign of black magic is a headache. A person may experience a sudden headache which again calms down. This can happen repeatedly if a person gets trapped by black magic.
- Self-hurting is another notable sign of black magic which can be dangerous. Victims of black magic can harm themselves without any concrete reasons. This occurrence of self-hurting also can happen repeatedly.
- People under the effects of black magic can always feel pain in their body including the back, neck, kidneys etc. They can feel like a burning fire in their whole body. Even breathing problems and continual chest pain also can arise in people who are affected by black magic.
- Black magic can make a person too weak and even can cause anaemia or jaundice. Though they feel frequent hunger, they would become weaker with each day. They can face yellowing of skin too.
- The victim can feel no happiness in life as they feel no reason to live. They would become pessimistic and completely lonely in their life. No medicines would work for the betterment of their situations. In such situations, contact the best Tantrik in Kolkata.
So these are some common symptoms which indicate the influence of black magic on people. The victims of back magic can not work properly even after trying so hard, no objectives of them get fulfilled. So whenever you feel any influence of black magic, contact a reputed black magic specialist to remove its effect.